Monday, June 2, 2008

How can i prevent from getting acne when shaving and acne scar home remedies

The best herb for your acne is ginger. Ginger is probably the best herb or spice that I have come across. It contains tons of anti inflammatory elements that make it so effective at treating acne. Its anti inflammatory elements also mean that you can reduce the swelling and redness caused by acne too. Other than that, ginger is also considered as one of the best natural antibiotics. It has the ability to effectively kill those acne causing bacteria in your body. Other major benefits include an improved immune system and hormone system.
What causes pimples and how long does it take for them to form are good questions. The answers are a bit confusing as till date science has not been able to pinpoint at the clear reasons for the formation of acne. Still, the conclusion that has been reached in this regard is that the oil glands in the skin that secrete oil cause these pustules. These glands become larger at the time of puberty making it obvious why teenagers struggle against acne the most.
2. A popular home remedy to treat acne spots is the good oil toothpaste. You can dab a little toothpaste on the spot at night before going to bed. Toothpaste will dry up the acne and shrink it in size so by the next morning, the can spot would be much reduced if not completely gone.
tags: wexler acnostat overnight acne repair lotion discount price, adult acne causes, pregnancy and acne and dry skin

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